This has been the (somewhat) worst and best time of my life. Apparently, this is the ‘holiday season’, which means nothing to me. Or so I thought…

My mom's Christmas Tree in Montana
My mom, understandably, wanted to spend time with her family in Texas. Quite a problem when we live in Montana. She thought that maybe I could just spend the time away from her, staying in Montana, making us both sad, or just take me with her. At the moment, however, I’m not sure which is better.
Her ‘taking me with her’, well, I can’t decide if it’s worst or better. Theoretically, she had to fly us both to Texas. I remember her momma and daddy’s home… used to be lots of fun. However… spending 6 hours on a plane or in an airport was not my idea of fun.
I really like my carrier. My mom had bought me a new one, which I now understand as one that fits into airplanes. It’s a pretty light blue case, with plenty of room for me to turn around and stand if I need to. However…
The airplane rides were not my idea of fun. On the way down there, I was fine until there was a lot of ‘turbulence’, as my mom calls it. Then, whatever food I had in my stomach, well, it did not stay in my stomach…
Then we made it to my mom’s momma and daddy’s home. I used to love it here, where the only thing I had to compete for attention for was Cabella, my uncle/mom’s momma’s dog. Well, my aunt brought her dog, Paris, home with her. Paris likes to chase me, but also likes to take control of Cabella’s time, as well as everyone else's, meaning that I did not get as much attention as I like because I had to avoid dogs the whole trip. And avoid my mom’s dressing me up in the ‘holiday spirit’…

And then she left me for a night, in order to spend some time with her friends. She was going to spend the new years in Austin with her buddies, but the guys who were going to drive us down there and let us stay with them bailed on her. Although she wasn’t too happy, she did enjoy the time at her home, and having a ‘pre-new years eve party’ Fort Worth a few days before the holiday…

Me, I spent it lounging on the kitchen table, or...
...just chilling on my mom's bed in Texarkana...
By the time I finally got used to sharing attention time with the other pets, it was time for my mom and I to go back to Montana. My mom’s momma was nice enough to drive us to a hotel the night before our extremely early flight, where my mom had to sneak me in, because the hotel did not like house pets. And this was after we got lost in the airport. Based on what my mom and my mom’s momma were complaining about, the GPS needs to update how to get to hotels in the DFW airport… after circling many times, they finally turned off the automatic GPS and followed the signs. I was fine, because I was just chillin’ in the backseat…

I was also a little obsessed with the mirror in the hotel room...
On the flight back, extremely early in the morning, I was fine, except I do not believe my mom let me pee and poop before take off. Needless to say, by the time we made it back to Montana, we both needed a bath. And I HATE baths…
Now I’m happily back home in Montana. I did miss it. After my bath, my mom cuddled me, trying to keep me warm. I must admit, though, that I kept shivering long after I was warm in order to stay under my mom’s quilt with her. And then, that night, my mom let me take up most of the bed. I was very happy.
Anyway, I think my mom and I are both very happy to be home in Montana. I know my mom enjoyed being back with her family (and friends) for the break, especially since she knows this is the last time she’ll be able to take that much time off again. She keeps saying she’s going to get me a brother or sister in the form of a dog, but knows I need too much attention before I need a dog brother and sister. We’ll see what happens in the next few months…
Me, I’m going to enjoy being an only child, and chill in my mom’s lap and under her covers while I can.
Hope everyone else had an awesome holiday season. Happy holidays, and have a great new year!