One of the most comfortable places, ever... the bed!

And she washes her sheets all the time, so they are nice and clean for me to hang out on.
But my favorite part is just to snuggle up right where the pillows and sheets meet, and just make myself comfortable.
I think my momma gets a little upset when I get comfy and take up most of the bed. I don't understand why she just doesn't let me have the whole bed to myself. I mean, it's all for me, right?
The other thing she likes to do is sit in a tub of water and soak. I think she does it when she's stressed, and since she's a grad student, she always seems to be stressed. I always keep an eye out on her, just to make sure nothing goes wrong...
She also added another member to our small family... a fish! I'm not sure how I feel about that. I only gave him a little sniff. I found out he doesn't do much, so now I just ignore him.
Again, one of my favorite things ever is to snuggle up with my momma...
...and get quite comfy on our new couch. I'm glad she realized the old one was falling apart, and just not comfy. This new one is quite awesome!
Now, off to bed! And don't bother me, or I'll give you 'my look'...