Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More about ME!

So, I decided to tell you a little more about myself. My name is London, and I was adopted by mom my August 15, 2009. My birth mom was adopted from the shelter from my mom’s cousin. Only after my mom’s cousin had my mother for awhile, did my mom’s cousin realize that her new cat was pregnant, so they were blessed with me and my siblings! My mom had been thinking about getting a cat for a while, and when she heard that her cousin had some kittens, she drove ALLLLLL the way out to Ozan, Arkansas, to get me. When looking at the kittens, my brother scratched her and my other siblings didn’t care to be held, but me, I was nice and calm and happy in her arms. And that was that! I was heading toward my new home, in Fort Worth, Texas.

I loved living in Fort Worth! I had the whole place to myself, and could pretty much do whatever I wanted. And my new mom gave me a lot of toys and hugs and kisses (which, as a boy -and a cat- I’m supposed to hate, but secretly enjoy).

We’ve had our bad times, don’t get me wrong. She freaked out when I tried to chew on cords. And she hated it when I scratched her. Hey, it’s not my fault she kept bleeding! She should have gotten tougher skin! She also made me go to the evil doctors, who poked me and jumped out at me a lot. But I’m told it was all for my health. HA! Yeah, right. It hurt!

And then we got to move to Montana. The new place is SOOOOO much bigger! There are so many windows, and I love racing up and down the stairs. For once, I really want to go outside, but my mom still won’t let me. Don’t worry, I keep trying. One day, I may succeed… And the new doctors here still poke me, but they are really nice about it and give me treats for being such a good kitten.

Anyway, that’s my story, so far. I love living with my mom. I get fed twice a day, have a ton of toys, and love looking out the windows. Who could ask for anything more?


It's my turn!

hi all!

My mom decided I needed my own blog! Aren't y'all lucky! Now you get to hear my side of things much more often!!!!
